
SMEs encouraged to enter the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards this Small Business Saturday

In the run up to Small Business Saturday on 7th December, we're encouraging small employers to celebrate their commitment to Apprenticeships and the achievements of their star Apprentices by entering the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards 2020. 

The fourth annual Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards will be held on Thursday 2nd April at the prestigious Williams F1 Conference Centre. 

In order to further celebrate and champion small local employers who offer exceptional Apprenticeship schemes, a new category has been introduced for 2020 for micro employers - businesses with less than 10 employees - in addition to the existing category for small employers (less than 50 employees). 

We have also introduced a new Work Experience Employer Award to recognise the important role that work experience placements play in an individual’s career journey.

Benefits to your business

Entering the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards is a fantastic way to showcase your business, as well as a great way to say thank you to your star Apprentices and the colleagues who support them. It's also a unique way to raise awareness of what your business does and how you support local people and grow new talent. Popham Hairdressing won the Small Apprenticeship Employer Award in 2018 and went on to sponsor the category in 2019.

Shirley Popham, Director at Popham Hairdressing said: “Wining a prestigious Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Employer Award has brought a higher influx of Apprenticeship applications to the business and a calibre of young people who are enthusiastic and committed to taking on an Apprenticeship. It has also brought new clients and business contacts.”

Join the conversation

Join us for Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (#OAHour) on Twitter @OxonApprentice from 1pm every Thursday for latest on the Awards and join in the conversation using the hashtag #OAAwards2020.