

Good news! Now is a great time to be thinking about an Apprenticeship in Oxfordshire, there are lots of vacancies on offer.

More good news! Apprenticeships are available in more job roles and at higher qualification levels than ever before.

So whether you’re thinking about what to do after you leave school, or you are already in work and making a career change, the choice in Apprenticeships available to you has never been greater.

If you are still at school, you will know that the government wants to keep young people in education until they are older. This doesn’t mean you have to stay at school though and the good news is that an Apprenticeship is an acceptable learning programme after GCSEs. 

Two of the many reasons Apprenticeships are a great way into a new career:

Earn while you learn

Apprenticeships are the best way to get qualified while getting experience at the same time. And because you are learning on the job, you will also be earning a wage. Best of both worlds!

More choice than you might realise

Apprenticeships are available in a huge range of job roles and new qualifications are being developed all the time. And because more Apprentices can now gain qualification levels equivalent to university and graduate degrees, this is opening up new opportunities in areas such as accountancy, legal professions and high-tech industries.

Our Apprenticeship Ambassadors have first hand experience of what it's like to be an Apprentice. Listen to them share their experiences and explain how they each chose an Apprenticeship as their Plan A.

See Katie, Leona and Usaamah talking about their Apprenticeships in this video...

Need more information or support?

The National Careers Service website has advice on writing applications and what to do at interviews.

Visit oxme.info, the young people's web portal for Oxfordshire.