

Our Apprenticeship Ambassador scheme sees current and former Apprentices from a number of organisations supporting the work of Oxfordshire Apprenticeships by volunteering to help young people and their families and employers to understand the benefits of Apprenticeships. They do this by attending events such as careers fairs, school assemblies and employer briefings to tell their stories and share what they’ve learned, giving people the opportunity to hear real life success stories first-hand, ask questions and talk openly about what it’s like to be an Apprentice.

Apprenticeship Ambassadors attend a training and preparation day to prepare them for their role by brushing up on presentation skills and practicing giving a talk about themselves.

We're so proud of them all and will be telling you all about their achievements. Follow us on Twitter @OxonApprentice and like us on Facebook /OxfordshireApprenticeships to keep up with latest news and pics.

Latest news

Watch this video to see some of our Ambassadors talking about their experiences...

See Katie, Leona and Usaamah talking about their Apprenticeships in this video...