
About Oxfordshire Apprenticeships

Welcome to Oxfordshire Apprenticeships

Oxfordshire Apprenticeships is here to help you find out about local opportunities, news and events, learn about other people's experiences, and understand how you can get started - either as an employer or as an Apprentice. Contact us if you would like more information or if you are a business, school, college or training provider and would like us to visit you or support an event.

Oxfordshire Apprenticeships is part of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Team. The team contributes to the promotion of Apprenticeships and Traineeships to young people, parents and employers, specifically through:

  • Delivering workshops and presentations to students in schools to raise awareness of Apprenticeships
  • Supporting school careers staff with information, advice and guidance events, activities and initiatives
  • Talking to parents and other family members about Apprenticeships at school careers evenings and pop-up information events
  • Advising and supporting businesses and organisations to employ Apprentices
  • Developing and maintaining a network of Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Ambassadors, consisting of current and former Apprentices
  • Working with partner organisations on new projects and activities to promote Apprenticeships and Traineeships, such as Careers Fest, West Oxfordshire Learning Partnership Apprenticeship Events etc.
  • Sharing opportunities, success stories and good practice via the Oxfordshire Apprenticeships website and social media
  • Hosting Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (#OAHour) on Twitter every Thursday from 1-2pm

Oxfordshire Apprenticeship is here to help you 'make sense of Apprenticeships', find out about local opportunities, news and events, learn about other people's experiences, and understand how you can get started. Contact us if you would like more information or if you are a business, school, college or training provider and would like us to visit you or support an event.