
Welcome new Apprenticeship Ambassadors!

We’re very excited to have been joined by 6 new Apprenticeship Ambassadors, who attended our training and preparation day last week. The purpose of the day was for them to find out more about the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Ambassador scheme and what our Ambassadors do, meet the other new Ambassadors and practice telling their Apprenticeship stories to help them prepare for talking to different audiences about their choices and experiences.

The day started with an introduction to Oxfordshire Apprenticeships by manager Sarah and some team building activities led by Aoife who manages the Apprenticeship Ambassador scheme.

The group then heard from Apprenticeship Ambassador and Legal Secretary at Freeths LLP Laura, who told them about the different sorts of events and activities she’s taken part in during her time as an Ambassador. Laura has reached the South East regional finals in the National Apprenticeship Awards ‘Apprenticeship Champion of the Year’ Award for her work promoting Apprenticeships with the scheme.

Clive Shepherd, Apprenticeships Manager at the University of Oxford, led a session in the afternoon giving each Ambassador the opportunity to prepare and tell their Apprenticeship story and receive feedback from the group. They have now all received certificates and are ready for action! See some photos from the day.

Meet the Ambassadors

Find out more about the Ambassadors by reading their Apprenticeship stories: 

If you’re interested in  arranging for an Apprenticeship Ambassador to come and talk at your school or place of work, please contact Aoife on aoife.roughneen@oxfordshireLEP.com or 07879 494149.

Find our more about our Apprenticeship Ambassadors and what they do.